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NGO Denounces Misleading Egg Advertising in Argentina
Sinergia Animal launches an investigation into Huevo Feliz farms, revealing cruel practices such as battery cages. PRESS PHOTOS [Buenos...

New investigation exposes filthy conditions and animal suffering on several pig farms in Brazil
New footage recorded by NGO Sinergia Animal shows pregnant sows kept in cages, dirty environments and controversial procedures on piglets...

New investigation reveals shocking reality of egg production in Malaysia
Sinergia Animal reveals disturbing images of Zenxin’s egg supply chain, denouncing animal cruelty and unsanitary conditions. [Malaysia,...

Colombian Government Under Political Scrutiny for Animal Cruelty in Transport
Senator Andrea Padilla is summoning the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Colombian...

Investigation Reveals Extreme Animal Cruelty in Auction Markets in Argentina and Chile
Sinergia Animal and We Animals Media reveal alarming images from three livestock auction markets in Argentina and Chile dedicated to...

New investigation into Danone exposes animal suffering on Brazilian farms
NGO Sinergia Animal recorded new footage of calves kept in cages, inadequate slaughter of calves, and other controversial practices in...

NGOs pressure World Bank to quit loan to brazilian dairy producer linked to animal cruelty
US$ 32 million investment is supposed to support the expansion of Alvoar Lácteos activity, a company exposed because of bad animal...

Investigation reveals concerning reality of hens inside egg production in Chile
NGO Sinergia Animal urges retail giant Walmart to stop commercializing eggs from producers with poor welfare standards Images and videos...

New investigation reveals poor animal welfare standards in Argentina’s egg industry
NGO Sinergia Animal urges retail giant to adopt better policies in their supply chain and to stop buying eggs from producers with poor...

New film narrated by Josefina Tomás reveals poor animal welfare standards in Uruguay’s egg industry
*High resolution images available here* Groundbreaking footage entails NGO Sinergia Animal to urge retail giants to adopt better policies...

New investigation reveals poor animal welfare standards in the Indonesian fish farming industry
NGO coalition Act for Farmed Animals urges producers and retailers to improve the treatment of farmed fish Video available here Footage...

New investigation reveals animal welfare violations in the Thai fish industry
NGO Sinergia Animal urges producers and retailers to improve treatment given to fish Video available here Footage and pictures in high...

New undercover investigation shows shocking reality at indonesian duck farms
Act For Farmed Animals is urging Indonesian authorities to take action after the investigation’s release. [Jakarta, Indonesia] — Animal...

Acclaimed documentary photographer exposes the cruelty behind egg production in Thailand
The images show hens in extreme suffering, crammed in cages so small they can barely walk or spread their wings.

Investigación expone la crueldad hacia los terneros en lecherÃas chilenas
Recién nacidos son separados de sus madres y encerrados en pequeñas jaulas por hasta 3 meses, método ya prohibido en toda la Unión Europea

New investigation raises concerns about egg production and the risk of new epidemics
Video exposes animals in Indonesian farms with conditions that would be illegal in other countries and can help spread diseases

ONG Internacional expone la crueldad hacia los terneros en tambos argentinos
“Es increÃble el nivel de abuso hacia estos animales. Solo dos horas después del nacimiento, los terneros son separados de sus madres para s

Nicolás Pauls hace llamamiento contra la producción de huevos en Argentina
“Es hora de que todos sepan lo que consumen. Sepamos del sufrimiento, del maltrato y de la inmundicia en la que viven los animales no humano

Investigación revela problemas sociales y ambientales tras los huevos utilizados por empresa Carozzi
Nuestros periodistas investigadores registraron a miles de gallinas confinadas en espacios muy reducidos, con tres a cuatro aves por compart

Investigación de la ONG Sinergia Animal revela maltrato animal detrás de los huevos comercializados
Activistas piden más honestidad en los empaques y el fin del hacinamiento de animales en jaulas
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