Partnered with an acclaimed animal rights photographer, Andrew Skowron and his team from NGO Anima International, Sinergia Animal, helped conduct a media exposé of the Thai egg industry. Images show hens living together in small battery cages, sometimes with up to 12 animals crammed in a single cage. Some facilities are found in filthy conditions, with accumulated piles of excrement, feathers and broken eggs on the floor. In some farms, dead birds lie among live birds. Evidence collected suggests that some farms even inherit used battery cages from Europe.


Work by Andrew Skowron licensed under CC0 1.0
You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.
Sinergia Animal will appreciate if you give us credits, but this is not mandatory.
Usage & License

Work by Anima International licensed under CC0 1.0
You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.
Sinergia Animal will appreciate if you give us credits, but this is not mandatory.
Usage & License